Corn Consulting

Matching the rancher to the corn. Maximizing yields and increasing profits.

Corn Ranches focuses on achieving results that drive profit on farms with over 20 years of growing, grazing and silaging corn. We test concepts, varieties and run numbers for profit for hundreds of producers. We are committed to long term growth and success for our customers and committed to:

  • Offering soil testing to help keep soil healthy
  • Grazing annual and perennial forages
  • Precision planting technology
  • Industry research
  • Field evaluations
  • Individual consulting services and more!

Our approach begins with building long-term relationships by working one on one with farmers and balancing profitability. We assist in designing a grazing and feed program that best supports your and provide solutions that achieve the best possible results all livestock operations.

We provide Pogo stick tests to show results, working step by step to grow and succeed.

For more information, contact or 1-877-955-CORN (2676).