Planting The Seed
If you’ve decided to grow corn, soil temperature at planting needs to be at least 10C with air temperatures averaging 12C (no less than 4C!). This usually happens after May 10, but either end of May is generally tolerable without significant costs to yields.
Under ideal conditions, corn seed should be planted 1.5 inches or deeper. This varies depending on weather and soil conditions. Every field is unique and requires a particular planting depth depending on conditions at time of planting. For example, deeper planting may be necessary under dry conditions.
Did you plant too shallow?
You may have planted too shallow if you see:
- Shallow crown root development
- Less favourable position of growing point and first noble roots
- Uneven plant emergence
- Poor root establishment
- Rootless corn syndrome (definition? pictures?)
- Feeding damage by birds and rodents
- Herbicide injury
It’s our job to protect your yield at all acceptable costs. This involves conditioning the soil, placing quality seed, matching the seed to field and harvest type, and choosing chemical weed controls.